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We hear a high chime The Perfect Butt Fuck as the Captain illuminates the seatbelt sign. “Damnit! Just when the real fun was about to start!” Emily exclaims. That’s when my brain hits a great idea. “Why stop Butt fucked squirting ho here? Captain said it was only moderate turbulence. I’m already inside of you locked and ready to go. Why don’t we let the turbulence do the work for us here eh?” Emily’s eyes widen from excitement “I’m totally up for that!” Emily then begins to grind her hips on me as she slowly starts to bounce on my cock. She Tattooed slut butt fucked slowly rides my shaft bouncing up and down, keeping my dick hardened inside her. Few minutes pass and suddenly we’re hit with some turbulence! I grab onto Emily’s waist for support, keeping her steady on top of me so she doesn’t fall. The plane begins to bump around up and down aggressively. The turbulence felt a bit more severe than just “moderate.” I continue to hold onto Emily as the plane bounces up and down. With the turbulence shaking the plane, Emily shifts up and down on my cock. We both moan together enjoying the feeling of Mother Nature doing the work for us. “Oh Fuck yes Oliver! Fuck me!” Emily screams. Smiling, I sit back and relax as we let the turbulence fuck the both of us. The turbulence went on for about 10 minutes as Emily rode me. Eventually, the turbulence went from shaking the plane up and down to side to side, allowing Emily to Hot Butt Fuck Free grind herself on my dick. “Oh Oliver...I’m going to cum baby!” With the help of the turbulence, I’m able to take over. I Ass Butt Fuck pull her closer to me as I begin to shake my body up and down increasing my pace. Emily begs for me to fuck her faster as I enjoy the sounds of her screams and my dick clapping her cheeks. “FUUUUUCK!!!” Immediately, I feel Emily cream herself on my shaft as I slow down and pull her off of me. “Holy Shit! That was phenomenal baby! And the whole turbulence thing?? Incredible!!” We catch our breaths once more. I was on the verge of cumming again, so my dick stayed hard. Emily laid down on the couch catching her breath. I glance down her naked sweaty body. Several of them remarked the enjoyment that they had with him up their pussy or ass Butt fucked squirting ho from behind while they were as lesbians involved with each other. The man with the joint in his mouth Hot Butt Fuck Free looked at me and then said, “If you show me those you can.” He looked down at my tits. Hermione, eyes still closed, nods her acknowledgment, "Yes, Professor." He The Perfect Butt Fuck was incredibly angry and he just wanted to pound something. Sarah’s head was slumped forward. When he said that I tried Ass Butt Fuck to think of a way that I could get her out of my parent’s house but I couldn’t think of a way. Her dark, hard nipples and her areolas were prominent against the Tattooed slut butt fucked thin material. I will be his slave for his love and guidance giving me joy and happiness that I can see seven other women have already. “It's been a long day. "Take your clothes off baby." I work the lunch shift tomorrow.”

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